Level 4 idioms – Unit 08

Julio: I can’t believe you got an ace on the river to beat me. I think I’m going to call it quits for the day and go home.
Allan: At least you’re a good sport. Most people would be beside themselves with anger after losing $100 playing poker.
Julio: The way I look at it is that I broke even for the week. Three days ago I won a hundred bucks at the casino. Can I ask you a question? Do you think I’ve got a gambling problem?
Allan: The idea has crossed my mind. You do spend a lot of time playing poker. I think you should move on and find something else to do that tickles your fancy.
Julio: You might be right. Poker’s not as much fun as it used to be. It’s become a drag.
Allan: I didn’t mean to come down hard on you, but you did ask.
Julio: No, I’m glad you spoke your mind. I’ve been running on autopilot for a long time, and I definitely need a change.
Allan: Well, if anybody can pull it off, you can. I’ve got confidence you’ll do the right thing.
ace: the highest value card
the river: the last card placed on the board
bucks: dollars
casino: gambling house
gambling: betting money on a game of chance
used to be: was in the past
definitely: absolutely
confidence: belief
• call it quits: stop doing it
• a good sport: someone who can win or lose and not show emotion
• be beside oneself: show strong emotion
• break even: have the same amount of money as originally
• cross one’s mind: be thought about
• move on: stop doing the same thing and do something different
• tickle one’s fancy: be something one likes
• a drag: something boring
• come down hard on (someone): tell (someone) what they’re doing wrong
• speak one’s mind: honestly say what one thinks
• run on autopilot: do things automatically without thinking
• pull it off: accomplish (something), be successful at (something)
come down hard on and be tough on have the same meaning.
run on autopilot can also be be on autopilot.
a drag can be made stronger by adding “real”: a real drag.
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