Level 3 idioms – Unit 08

Ken: Hey Vince. Do you want to go to that wilderness survival seminar this weekend?
Vince: I can’t. I’ve got this paper to do for biology class on Monday. I’m going to have to work for days on end to finish it.
Ken: Are you sure you can’t tear yourself away from it just this once?
Vince: I don’t think so. I’ve turned over a new leaf — work first, play afterwards. Besides, I’m feeling a bit under the weather, so I’m afraid you’ll just have to go by yourself.
Ken: I could never let my work tie me down and keep me from enjoying myself. Tell me, what brought about this sudden change in your study habits?
Vince: I realized I was wasting a lot of time and wasn’t prepared for classes, so I took the bull by the horns and made up a weekly schedule for myself. I’ve planned some recreation time, but only in the late afternoons. The rest of the time is study time.
Ken: Do what you want, but when I look back on these years, I want to remember the good times I had. Are you sure I can’t talk you into coming?
Vince: Yes, I’m sure. Now please leave me alone. I’ve got to get on this paper.
Ken: No problem. I’ll give you a week with your new schedule, and then I’m sure you’ll be singing another tune. Well, I’ve got to hit the road. I’ll see you Sunday night.
Vince: Sure. You can fill me in on the seminar when you get back.
wilderness survival: knowledge you need to live in nature
seminar: a class or classes over a short time, such as a weekend
paper: a piece of writing that requires research
besides: here is a different reason
sudden: quick
study habits: the way you study
realize: to figure out for the first time
waste time: to let time pass doing nothing
schedule: list and time of activities you must do
recreation: activities that are done for fun
• on end: without a break, consecutively
• tear oneself away (from something): stop doing (something)
• turn over a new leaf: start doing things more effectively
• under the weather: not feeling well
• tie (someone) down: limit (someone’s) activities
• bring about (something): cause (something) to happen
• take the bull by the horns: make a decision to do something
• look back (on something): remember (something) from long ago
• get on (an activity): start working (on something) immediately
• sing another tune: feel differently, change one’s opinion
• hit the road: leave by car or other vehicle
• fill (someone) in: tell (someone) what happened
Sing another tune can also be sing a different tune.
Get on (an activity) can also be get on with (an activity)
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