Common birds

This vocabulary is not just for people who love birds. It’s for all ESL learners because these are birds that are generally known by people who speak English.
This is a bluejay
The blue jay is found in North America east of the Rocky Mountains in southern Canada south to the Gulf of Mexico and east to the Atlantic Ocean.
This is a crane
The crane is found almost everywhere except South America. They eat almost anything from rats to insects to berries.
This is a crow
Crows are found everywhere except South America. They are very intelligent animals. They can even use tools.
This is a duck
Ducks are found on or near water. They have webbed feet to paddle with. They eat a variety of food such as plants, fish and insects.
This is an eagle
Eagles are found all over the world. They are hunting birds that eat small animals including fish.
This is a goose
Geese are found on or near water. They like to group together and mate for life. They migrate south every winter.
This is a hawk
Hawks like open areas where they can hunt for a variety of small animals. They are found all over North and Central America and the West Indies.
This is a hummingbird
Hummingbirds are among the smallest birds in the world. They can stay in one place in the air by flapping their wings very, very fast. They are the only birds able to fly backwards.
This is a kiwi
These birds live in New Zealand and can’t fly. They are about the size of a chicken, but lay much larger eggs. In fact the kiwi’s eggs are the largest in relation to their body size of any bird in the world.
This is an ostrich
The ostrich is a large bird found in Africa. It can’t fly but is the fastest running bird in the world. It can run up to about 70 km. per hour.
This is an owl
Owls are nighttime hunting birds that eat small animals, insects and other birds. They are found all over the world. They can turn their heads 270 degrees because their necks have more bones than other birds.
This is a parakeet
The parakeet is the most popular pet bird kept in cages in people’s homes. They eat seeds. Some of these birds can be trained to speak words.
This is a parrot
These birds live in tropical and subtropical areas of the earth. They are very colorful and intelligent birds. They eat seeds, nuts, and fruits. Many parrots can learn to say words.
This is a peacock
The peacock is native to India but has been introduced to many areas of the world. They eat berries and seeds but also hunt snakes, lizards and small rodents. Only the males have a fan of feathers like in this picture.
This is a pelican
The pelican is found all over the world near water. They have a sack under their bill that can hold fish that they eat. The largest of these birds have a wing span of 3 meters.
This is a penguin
Penguins are found from Antarctica to the equator, but not in the northern hemisphere. They can’t fly but they can swim because their wings are flippers.
This is a pigeon
Pigeons, also called doves, are found all over the world, especially in cities. They eat seeds fruits and plants. These birds have strong wing muscles and are strong flyers.
This is a robin
The robin is found in woodlands, farmland and cities all over North America. They eat soft insects, fruits and berries. Most of these birds fly south for the winter.
This is a seagull
Seagulls are found near open water all over the world. They have webbed feet to paddle on water. They are good at stealing food from other animals. They can drink salt water.
This is a sparrow
Sparrows are small birds that are found in cities all over the world. They eat seeds and small insects. They often build their nests on buildings.
This is a swan
Swans are found in temperate areas near water all over the world, except Africa, northern South America and Central America. They are big birds and have webbed feet. They eat plants that grow under the water.
This is a woodpecker
The woodpecker is found in forest and woodland areas all over the world, except Australia, New Zealand and Madagascar. They make holes in trees to eat the insects that live there.