Vocabulary of feelings

ashamed:  a feeling that you have done something wrong and you blame yourself
awkward:  a feeling that you can’t do something well enough
embarrassed:  a feeling that you have done something wrong and everybody is looking at you
humiliated:  a feeling that everyone knows how bad you are
mortified:  a feeling of extreme embarrassment
uncomfortable:  a feeling of unease

angry:  a feeling that you want to hurt someone for doing something bad to you.
annoyed:  a feeling that someone or something is bothering you
confused:  a feeling of not knowing what to do
frustrated:  a feeling of being angry at yourself for not being able to do something
furious:  a strong feeling of anger
irritated:  a strong feeling of annoyance
mad:  a feeling of anger

anxious:  a feeling of being nervous or excited about something that’s going to happen
deceived:  a feeling that someone has lied to you or tricked you
depressed:  a feeling of great sadness over a long time
disappointed:  a feeling of not getting the result you wanted
hurt:  a feeling of sadness because someone you trust has done something bad to you
misled:  a feeling that someone has lied to you
overwhelmed:  a feeling that there is too much for you to do
stressed:  a feeling that you can’t do the work that you have to do
upset:  a feeling that something is wrong

ecstatic:  a feeling of great joy
excited:  a feeling of something good happening to you in the future
happy:  a feeling that you’re living a good life
overjoyed:  a feeling of great joy
proud:  a feeling that you or someone you love has done a good job
relieved:  a feeling that the bad result you expected did not happen
thrilled:  a feeling of great joy

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Level 1 adjectives – Unit 10

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brave:  doing something even though you’re afraid
The brave fireman ran into the burning building and carried the baby to safety.
His mother told him to be a brave boy in the dentist’s chair.

complicated:  difficult to understand or explain
His relationship with his girlfriend is complicated.
The explanation was too complicated for most people to understand.

cute:  pretty in a pleasing way
There were three cute kittens on the bed.
Most people remember the actor when he was a cute little kid.

crazy:  wild, uncontrolled, senseless, not at all normal
John was acting like a crazy person at the party.
It was crazy to go swimming in the lake in winter.

dependable:  able to be trusted to do what is necessary
Although his car is old, it’s still very dependable.
She has been his dependable secretary for many years.

faithful:  always supportive, loyal
He is one of her oldest and most faithful friends.
She remained faithful to her husband during his long illness.

horrible:  terrible, awful
He’ll never forget the skunk’s horrible smell.
There was a horrible five-car accident on the highway.

international:  between countries, of many countries
Global warming is an international problem.
Canada has an international reputation as a peace keeper.

official:  recognized as true by authorities, legal
Canada has two official languages – English and French.
This is an official copy of their marriage certificate.

proud:  having a good feeling for a good result
His father was proud of him for telling the truth.
She was proud of herself for scoring the winning goal.

steep:  at a high angle
The driveway up to his house was very steep.
She likes to ski on steep slopes to test her abilities.

sudden:  fast, without warning
Their picnic was ruined by a sudden rainstorm.
A sudden outbreak of the flu kept many children home from school.

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Level 1 adjectives – Unit 09

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boring:   not interesting or exciting, full of sameness
The children had a boring time during their field trip to the library.
Some people liked the movie, but I found it very boring.

calm:  relaxed, with good weather
If there’s a fire, the most important thing to do is to stay calm.
They had a calm, sunny day for their wedding.

criminal:  doing illegal activities, very wrong
The boys are members of a criminal organization.
They sell illegal drugs and do other criminal activities.

crowded:  with too many people close together
The bus to school is always very crowded.
When she arrived, the room was crowded with people.

eager:  wanting to do something a lot, excited
She is eager to meet her boyfriend’s parents.
The children are eager for the holidays.

helpless:  not able to do anything to help
The fire was so strong, the firefighters were helpless.
The fishers were helpless against the storm.

legal:  obeying the law, about the law
Everyone has the legal right to defend themselves.
In many places it is now legal to use marijuana for medical purposes.

pale:  without much color
You look pale.  Are you feeling alright?
They painted their house a pale green.

satisfied:  feeling happy with a result
Although he didn’t get an A, he was satisfied with his mark.
The boss was satisfied with the work we had done.

sneaky:  done so no one will see or know, in a secret way
My sneaky son pretends that he’s asleep and then plays video games in bed.
Offering something for free online is a sneaky way to get people’s email addresses.

tense:  not able to relax, nervous
Some students get very tense before a big test.
She felt tense when she walked into her boss’s office.

wise:  intelligent because of experience
You should listen to your grandmother.  She’s a wise person.
The wise thing to do is to wait and see what happens.

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Level 1 adjectives – Unit 07

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careful:  doing nothing that could cause a problem
Be careful when you cross the street.
She’s a very careful driver.

confused:  not knowing what to do
I’m confused about what time we should be at the airport.
Two people gave him two different directions, which confused him.

direct:  straight from a source, without turning or stopping
He took a direct flight from Hong Kong to Vancouver.
This plant will die in direct sunlight.

generous:  giving or sharing of money or time
Her generous grandparents gave her a car for her graduation.
He was generous with his time, helping anyone in need.

incredible:  unbelievable, hard to believe, amazing
Making a good website takes an incredible amount of work.
It’s incredible that everyone survived the plane crash.

mild:  gentle, not strong or harsh
I had a mild case of the flu last week.
You should use a mild soap on your face.

physical:  of the body, with a lot of movement
Ice hockey is a very physical sport.
He doesn’t get enough physical exercise.

selfish:  caring only about yourself, not caring about others
Although he seemed generous, he did it for selfish reasons.
Don’t be so selfish.  Share that candy with your sister.

single:  only one, not married
When he finished, there wasn’t a single cookie left in the jar.
She’s thirty-three and still single.

skinny:  very thin, too thin
She likes to wear her skinny jeans whenever she goes out.
In high school he was a skinny little guy.

thick:  wide from one side to the other side, not thin
He put the meat between two thick slices of bread and ate it.
Because the lake had a thick layer of ice, they could go ice skating.

upset:  with an angry, worried or unhappy feeling
Please don’t be upset with me, but I lost your ring.
When you two broke up, it really made her upset.

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Level 1 adjectives – Unit 05

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basic:  simplest, first, most important
The basic colors are red, yellow and blue.
This course teaches the basic history of Europe.

clumsy:  not able to use your hands or feet well.
She’s a clumsy person who drops things all the time.
He’s a clumsy dancer with two left feet.

damp:  a little bit wet, moist
Just wipe that table with a damp cloth, and it’ll be clean enough.
It’s very damp in this basement.

friendly:  like a friend, welcoming and supportive
Let me give you a little friendly advice.
Don’t worry about the natives.  They’re generally friendly.

giant:  unusually large, huge
At the concert there were giant speakers on either side of the stage.
Apple has become a giant corporation that employs over 115,000 people.

hollow:  with nothing inside, not solid
He found a bear sleeping in a hollow log in the forest.
Although the chocolate bunny looked solid, it was hollow inside.

lonely:  feeling all alone, sad because of no friendships
He was a lonely boy who had very few friends.
She felt lonely without her family close by.

plain:  with nothing added, without pattern or decoration
Her favorite snack was plain yogurt.
He had on jeans and a plain T-shirt.

rude:  impolite, not concerned about others’ feelings
Everyone was shocked by his rude behavior.
I left the store angry because the salesperson was rude to me.

slippery:  unable to walk on or hold
She fell on the wet and slippery floor.
He couldn’t hold on to the slippery fish.

tough:  difficult to do or experience
Because they were so small for their age, both children had a tough time at school.
With his father losing his job, it was a tough year for the family.

wild:  uncontrolled, of nature
On their hike in the mountains they found bushes of wild blueberries.
When their parents were out of town, the kids threw a wild party.

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Level 1 adjectives – Unit 04

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adorable:  cute and lovable
What an adorable child you have.
John and Julia are an adorable couple.

blind:  not able to see
Are you blind?  I’m standing right here!
He is blind to the opportunity I’m offering him.

comfortable:  feeling good and relaxed
This is a very comfortable office chair.
I don’t feel comfortable when your mother is here.

deep:  far down from the surface
They had to dig a deep well to find water.
The ship sank in deep water

flat:  horizontal, smooth, without high or low areas
I need a flat surface so I can sign my name on this paper.
Everywhere he looked, the ground was flat, which was perfect for farming.

gentle:  careful, soft, not rough
They could feel a warm, gentle wind on their faces.
He chose the most gentle horse for his daughter to ride.

important:  needing more attention than other things
Please listen.  I have an important announcement to make.
The scientist made an important discovery.

lazy:  not wanting to work, idle
His teacher says he’s a lazy student and could do much better if he tried.
My lazy friends don’t want to help me move this weekend.

odd:  strange, unusual
That’s odd.  I’m sure I left my keys on this table, but they aren’t here.
She has an odd habit of sucking on her hair when she’s working.

rotten:  not able to be eaten, over-ripe
One of the apples was rotten, so he had to throw it out.
I know the banana is brown, but it’s not rotten.

simple:  easy to understand
It’s a simple question.  Were you home last night?
Math in elementary school is quite simple.

weak:  with little energy, not strong
His doctor told him not to do any hard exercise because of his weak heart.
When she got sick, she was so weak that she had to stay in bed all day.

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Level 1 adjectives – Unit 02

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alive:  full of life, with life
He was lucky to be alive after a terrible car accident.
When I’m dancing, I feel alive .

cheap:  costing or charging very little money
I lost my watch, but it was a cheap one, so I don’t care.
They like to shop in cheap stores.

dangerous:  able to cause harm
She’s a dangerous driver when it’s dark outside.
It’s dangerous to leave your toys on the stairs. 

fresh:  newly made, not old
Is the milk in the fridge still fresh?
We like to eat fresh fruit everyday.

huge:  very big, large
He has trouble buying shoes for his huge feet.
I have a huge favor to ask of you.

loose:  not touching hard, not tight
These pants are too loose, so I need a belt.
Hi necktie was loose and his sleeves were rolled up.

modern:  of the present time
This kitchen is not very modern, so we’ll have to update it.
I don’t l modern art very much.

private:  not to be shared with anyone else
Do you mind?  This is a private conversation.
let’s keep this private, just between you and me.

ripe:  ready to eat (fruit), mature
Those green bananas will be ripe in a couple days.
The peaches on our tree are turning ripe.

shy:  lacking confidence in oneself
She won’t talk to boys because she’s too shy.
It’s hard to believe, but the movie star was shy when he was a  boy.

tight:  fitting too closely, pushing on the skin
I’m not going to buy these shoes; they’re too tight.
His belt was too tight, so he had to loosen it.

worried:  afraid that something bad has happened or will happen
He was worried that his boss would fire him.
Her parents are always worried when she goes out at night.

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Level 1 adjectives – Unit 01

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angry:  feeling like hurting someone

She was angry at her brother for breaking her doll.
I’m still angry with you for taking my bike without telling me first.

blank:  with nothing on it
He tried to write her a letter, but after an hour the page was still blank.
The room seemed cold because all the walls were blank.

delicious:  tasting really good
Thank you for the meal, Mrs. Johnston.  It was delicious.
She made a delicious apple pie for dessert.

empty:  with nothing inside
There were several empty bottles on the floor after the party.
At 2:00 in the morning all the streets were empty.

favorite:  most liked
Uncle Henry is my favorite uncle.
I know his favorite sport is soccer.

honest:  truthful
I want you to be honest with me and tell me the truth.
He wasn’t being honest when he said he was home last night.

kind:  good and helpful
Her husband is a kind and loving man.
You’re always kind to animals.

nervous:  afraid of doing something
He’s nervous about meeting his girlfriend’s parents.
The idea of speaking in front of a large crowd makes me nervous.

polite:  showing good manners towards other people
The polite thing to do is to hold the door open for the lady.
You need to learn to be more polite and say please and thank you.

silent:  making no noise
This dishwasher is more silent than my last one.
The teacher wanted all the students to be silent while she was talking.    

sour:  tasting similar to a lemon or vinegar
This milk is sour, so we should throw it out.
If you don’t like the sour taste, add more sugar.

wide:  big across
This street is very wide.
The doorway isn’t wide enough to get the sofa in the room.

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Level 2 adjectives – Unit 10

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aggressive:  forceful, attacking
Nobody likes an aggressive  salesperson.
He’s very aggressive when he plays poker.

automatic:  able to happen or operate independent of any person.
A machine that saves us a lot of time is our automatic dishwasher.
The loyalty of his team is not automatic; he must earn it.

dedicated:  100% committed to something
I’ve never know someone so dedicated to his family as my father.
Mother Teresa was dedicated to helping the poor and sick.

frequent:  happening often
Because of his business, he’s a frequent flier to China.
The most frequent comment was that the movie was too long.

gloomy:  sad, hopeless, depressing
The prison was a gloomy place where the inmates hardly talked.
The hooting of the owls made the forest seem gloomy.

ingenious:  very smart and creative
The iPhone was an ingenious product that helped Apple get to the top.
He’s had several very good ideas, but this one is ingenious.

possible:  able to be or happen
It’s possible that he got really busy and forgot about our meeting.
Losing our company is one possible result.

racial:  of different kinds of people of different races
The Chinese are a racial minority in North America.
It’s against the law for him to deny you a room for racial reasons.

silly:  not serious, amusingly playful
She knew he had a surprise for her because of the silly grin on his face.
Don’t be silly.  You can’t eat that whole pie by yourself.

transparent:  see- through, clear
This plastic is almost transparent.
She wore a blue transparent blouse to the party.

united:  acting as a single group, all together
There was a united effort by all the neighbors to clean up the park.
The school was united in their support of the principal.

voluntary:  done out of free choice
The job as a teacher’s helper is a voluntary position.
The museum is free on Tuesdays, but you can make a voluntary donation.

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Level 2 adjectives – Unit 09

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amusing:  causing laughter, funny
That was an amusing story he told at the party.
Watching the kittens play was very amusing.

contagious:  able to spread from one person to another
Chickenpox is a contagious disease, so keep your child home.
AIDS is only contagious through body fluids

domestic:  in the home, on the farm, in the country
Pigs, sheep and cows are domestic animals.
She left her husband because of domestic violence.

flammable:  able to catch on fire easily
Natural gas is a highly flammable substance.
Don’t smoke around any flammable liquid.

horizontal:  positioned from side to side, lying
Draw a horizontal line across the middle of the page.
She stayed in a horizontal position until her back pain got better.

intense:  of an extreme kind, strong
They had to find shelter from the intense heat of the sun.
He won the video game with intense concentration.

junior:  with less experience, younger
He is only a junior partner in the law firm.
They met each other in junior high school.

mobile:  able to be carried or moved
Everyone I know has a mobile phone.
The family lives in a mobile home outside the city.

rebellious:  fighting against authority, disobedient
At the age of sixteen, he entered a rebellious stage in his life.
England tried to maintain control over the rebellious colonies in America.

senior:  of an older age or higher rank
He is senior vice president of sales at Microsoft.
That seating is for handicapped people or senior citizens.

typical:  usual, common, normal
It is typical of him to forget his keys.
The typical reader will find this book hard to read.

vertical:  positioned up and down, standing
The spaceship rose vertical to the horizon.
The vertical movements of the needle on the page indicate an earthquake.

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