Level 1 nouns – Unit 10

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baggage:  the suitcases and bags you bring on a trip
The airline lost her baggage, but she got it back two days later.
That truck loads and unloads the baggage from airplanes.

business:  the selling of goods and services to make a profit
They started a seafood business in the Florida Keys.
His business takes him to many different countries.

college:  a school of higher learning after high school
Vancouver Community College is well known for its ESL program.
She wants to travel first and go to college next year.

dirt:  the loose top layer of the earth
He wrote his name in the dirt with a stick.
The car sped away leaving a cloud of dirt behind it.

fault:  a wrong action that someone did
The accident was all my fault.
It was no one’s fault that we lost the game.

history:  a record of past events related to people
History is full of bad rulers, both men and women.
I don’t know much of the history of Greece.

label:  the information on the outside of a product
Check the label on that shirt to make sure it’s 100% cotton.
The label on this juice says it’s made from 100% Florida oranges.

market:  a place where people go to buy and sell goods
There’s an excellent meat market on Commercial Street.
Every Friday and Saturday there’s a farmer’s market in this parking lot.

plastic:  a material made from oil that can be shaped
Except for the rubber wheels and the metal frame, the toy truck was all plastic.
The forks, knives and spoons for the picnic were white plastic.

row:  lots of things in a straight line
She liked to sit in the front row of all her classes at school.
There were rows and rows of logs on the public beach.

sleeve:  the part of a shirt or coat that covers the arms
You could see he was a sergeant from the chevron on his sleeve.
She pulled up her sleeves before washing the dishes.

throat:  the connection between the mouth and the stomach
He drank lemon ginger tea for his sore throat.
The man’s throat had been cut and his body left in the alley.

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© 2013 Ambien Malecot


Level 1 nouns – Unit 09

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athlete:  a person who plays sports
She’s been an athlete all her life but a runner for the past two years only,
His father was a Gold Medal Olympic athlete.

birth:  the act of being born.
The birth of the King’s son was celebrated throughout the country.
She gave birth to triplets.

criminal:  a person who has done a crime
He would never let his daughter marry a criminal.
Johnny has been a criminal for most of his life.

dust:  dirt that falls from the air onto things
Her home was messy, and there was dust on all the furniture.
When the sunlight came through the winfdow, you could see dust in the air.

garage:  the room where you keep your car
The Wilsons have a two-car garage, so they keep their boat on one side.
This weekend we are cleaning out the garage.

habit:  an action that you do all the time
She’s in the habit of getting up early on Sunday mornings.
Smoking is a bad habit.

introduction:  a presentation of one person to another
Bill Gates is a man who needs no introduction.
After the introductions, everyone sat down for dinner.

permission:  the agreement of someone else to do something
He gave his daughter permission to take the family car.
Do I have your permission to speak to your son?

promise:  an assurance that something will be done
He gave her his promise that he would return in one year.
A promise is a promise, so of course I’ll do it.

sheet:  any large and flat material and, including the sheets on your bed
Thursdays were the days when she washed all the sheets.
To prepare the room for painting, sheets of packing paper were put all over the floor

truth:  exactly what happened
Tell me the truth – did you take that money?
Her friend told her the truth about her boyfriend.

valley:  flat land with mountains all around
My grandparents have a farm in a beautiful valley.
There are twenty-five ranches in this valley.

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© 2013 Ambien Malecot

Level 1 nouns – Unit 05

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ankle:  the connection of your foot to your leg
The man twisted his ankle when he got off the bus.
When she was pregnant, both her ankles swelled up.

blanket:  a heavy cloth that you sleep under in your bed
I think we’ll need an extra blanket tonight.  It’s cold.
When she kissed her son good night, she pulled the blanket up to his chin.

center:  middle
I think we should put the sofa in the center of the living room.
There is a black hole at the center of the galaxy.

customer:  a person who may buy what you’re selling
You should treat every customer with respect.
Her restaurant has lots of steady customers.

emergency:  a situation where something must be done now
Call this number if there’s an emergency, and I’ll come right away.
The doctor had to go to the hospital for an emergency.

immigrant:  a person who comes into the country to live
As an immigrant herself, she knows the challenges of living in a new country.
Canada accepts over 200,000 immigrants yearly.

lipstick:  a substance women put on their lips to add color
She went to the ladie’s room to refresh her lipstick.
Her perfect lipstick is just a shade darker than her natural lips.

perfume:  a nice-smelling liquid women put on their skin
She usually only puts on perfume before she goes out on a date.
The smell of her perfume was so strong he had to open the window.

recipe:  a plan for making delicious food
I’ve been looking for a good chilli recipe for ages.
Let’s go on-line and search for a recipe for antipasto.

scissors:  a tool you use to cut paper or other thin material
The last time he used scissors, he cut his finger.
These scissors need to be sharpened.  They tear the paper.

stomach:   the organ that receives the food that you eat
The bully hit him in the stomach, and he ran away crying.
After eating many slices of birthday cake, his stomach is upset.

village:  a small group of houses
I think there’s a doctor in the neighboring village who can help.
They came from a village on the island of Borneo.

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Level 1 nouns – Unit 02

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assistant:  a person whose job is to help another person.
Please call my assistant to make an appointment to see me.
My assistant does a very good job keeping me organized.

basement:  the underground part of a house.
Her exercise equipment is in the basement.
The last big rain storm flooded the basement of our house.

cage:  a box with bars to hold animals.
The children stood in front of the lions cage for a long time.
She keeps two lovebirds in a cage in the dining room

gift:  something one person gives to another.
We’re thinking about giving her a gift when she graduates.
Give me twenty dollars and the wine will be a gift from the two of us.

instructor:  teacher.
The man over there is my automotive shop instructor; I should say hi.
The instructor told us there would be a mid-term test next week.

juice:  liquid from fruit or vegetables.
Pineapple juice is too sweet for my taste.
With the apples all over the ground, they made apple juice.

locker:  a metal box with a door that locks.
I have to stop by my locker and get the books for my next class.
I paid for a locker at the gym so I could keep my workout clothes there.

neighbor:   a person who lives next to you.  [Also: neighbour]
I woke up when I heard my neighbor get home last night.
My neighbor and I built a fence between our houses.

product:  something that is made for sale.
That company makes electronic products.
The company’s most famous product is the iPhone.

reservation:  a hold on a table (restaurant), room (hotel), seat (airplane).
Did you make a reservation at that French restaurant for tomorrow night?
I have a reservation for tomorrow morning on flight 576 to Hawaii.

secretary:  an office worker who helps a boss.
When his secretary was sick, he had a hard time running the office alone.
She works as a secretary to the vice-president of the company.

teenager:  a young person between the ages of 13 and 19.
He started to play football when he was a teenager in high school.
Although she’s now a big movie star, she was very shy as a teenager.

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