Expressions of quantity – singular or plural? – basic

The following expressions of quantity ALWAYS take a singular verb:
Much: Not much gas is needed for the trip.
Much of Much of the forest was burned.
Little Little time is left to complete the project.
Little of Little of the water they had was wasted.
A little A little more studying is needed.
A little bit of A little bit of snow was covering the grass.
A bit of A bit of salt is necessary to improve the taste.
Each Each person was told a different story.
Each of Each of the participants was given a T-shirt.
Every Every person in the class is invited to the party.
Every one of Every one of his trophies was destroyed in the fire.
One One time is not enough.
One of One of your reasons was just an excuse.
The following expressions of quantity ALWAYS take a plural verb:
Many Many people are homeless.
Many of Many of the songs we heard were foreign.
Few Few students are still in school at 5:00.
Few of Few of the magazines on the table were new.
A few A few garden plants were still alive in December.
A few of A few of our guests are staying an extra night.
A number of A number of details were overlooked.
The number of The number of errors was unacceptable.
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