Level 1 adjectives – Unit 09

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boring:   not interesting or exciting, full of sameness
The children had a boring time during their field trip to the library.
Some people liked the movie, but I found it very boring.

calm:  relaxed, with good weather
If there’s a fire, the most important thing to do is to stay calm.
They had a calm, sunny day for their wedding.

criminal:  doing illegal activities, very wrong
The boys are members of a criminal organization.
They sell illegal drugs and do other criminal activities.

crowded:  with too many people close together
The bus to school is always very crowded.
When she arrived, the room was crowded with people.

eager:  wanting to do something a lot, excited
She is eager to meet her boyfriend’s parents.
The children are eager for the holidays.

helpless:  not able to do anything to help
The fire was so strong, the firefighters were helpless.
The fishers were helpless against the storm.

legal:  obeying the law, about the law
Everyone has the legal right to defend themselves.
In many places it is now legal to use marijuana for medical purposes.

pale:  without much color
You look pale.  Are you feeling alright?
They painted their house a pale green.

satisfied:  feeling happy with a result
Although he didn’t get an A, he was satisfied with his mark.
The boss was satisfied with the work we had done.

sneaky:  done so no one will see or know, in a secret way
My sneaky son pretends that he’s asleep and then plays video games in bed.
Offering something for free online is a sneaky way to get people’s email addresses.

tense:  not able to relax, nervous
Some students get very tense before a big test.
She felt tense when she walked into her boss’s office.

wise:  intelligent because of experience
You should listen to your grandmother.  She’s a wise person.
The wise thing to do is to wait and see what happens.

Pronunciation Exercise: Listen and repeat the above vocabulary on the audio file below.

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When you think you’re ready, do the following exercise.

Quiz: Level 1 adjectives - Unit 09 - exercise

  1. Question 1 of 12


    Your shoulders are so ____________. You need to learn how to relax.

    • Nice!

    • Not good

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  2. Question 2 of 12


    I felt ____________ to solve the technical problem because I had no training.

    • Very good!

    • Incorrect

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  3. Question 3 of 12


    It was ____________ to get the names and numbers of all her boyfriend’s friends from his phone.

    • Right!

    • Not right

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  4. Question 4 of 12


    He hates his ____________ job and is looking for another one.

    • Correctly done!

    • Not very good

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  5. Question 5 of 12


    She was ____________ with the price she paid for the used car.

    • Great!

    • Not it

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  6. Question 6 of 12


    I’m ____________ to hear what the company president has to say.

    • You’re right!

    • You’re wrong this time

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  7. Question 7 of 12


    When she has a lot of stress, she takes a warm bath to feel ____________.

    • Bravo!

    • No good

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  8. Question 8 of 12


    He needed to see a lawyer for ____________ advice.

    • Way to go!

    • Sorry. No

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  9. Question 9 of 12


    The ____________ person learns from his or her mistakes.

    • Wonderful!

    • Mistake

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  10. Question 10 of 12


    He became a ____________ lawyer after his father went to jail.

    • You got it!

    • You missed it

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  11. Question 11 of 12


    Because he stayed out of the sun, his skin was ____________.

    • Good for you!

    • Afraid not

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  12. Question 12 of 12


    On Friday afternoon the bus was too ____________ to find a seat.

    • Nicely done!

    • No way

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Level 1 adjectives – Unit 01

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angry:  feeling like hurting someone

She was angry at her brother for breaking her doll.
I’m still angry with you for taking my bike without telling me first.

blank:  with nothing on it
He tried to write her a letter, but after an hour the page was still blank.
The room seemed cold because all the walls were blank.

delicious:  tasting really good
Thank you for the meal, Mrs. Johnston.  It was delicious.
She made a delicious apple pie for dessert.

empty:  with nothing inside
There were several empty bottles on the floor after the party.
At 2:00 in the morning all the streets were empty.

favorite:  most liked
Uncle Henry is my favorite uncle.
I know his favorite sport is soccer.

honest:  truthful
I want you to be honest with me and tell me the truth.
He wasn’t being honest when he said he was home last night.

kind:  good and helpful
Her husband is a kind and loving man.
You’re always kind to animals.

nervous:  afraid of doing something
He’s nervous about meeting his girlfriend’s parents.
The idea of speaking in front of a large crowd makes me nervous.

polite:  showing good manners towards other people
The polite thing to do is to hold the door open for the lady.
You need to learn to be more polite and say please and thank you.

silent:  making no noise
This dishwasher is more silent than my last one.
The teacher wanted all the students to be silent while she was talking.    

sour:  tasting similar to a lemon or vinegar
This milk is sour, so we should throw it out.
If you don’t like the sour taste, add more sugar.

wide:  big across
This street is very wide.
The doorway isn’t wide enough to get the sofa in the room.

Pronunciation Exercise: Listen and repeat the above vocabulary on the audio file below.

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When you think you’re ready, do the following exercise.

Quiz: Level 1 adjectives - Unit 01 - exercise

  1. Question 1 of 12


    I know you don’t like him, but at least be ____________ to him.

    • Nice!

    • No good

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  2. Question 2 of 12


    She gave him ____________ answer, and he believed her.

    • Good!

    • No. Not good

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  3. Question 3 of 12


    Everyone gets a little ____________ before a job interview.

    • Well done!

    • Incorrect

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  4. Question 4 of 12


    Her rich uncle gave her ____________ check that she could fill out for any amount.

    • Awesome!

    • Not right

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  5. Question 5 of 12


    They like to watch their ____________ TV shows after dinner.

    • You got it!

    • You missed it

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  6. Question 6 of 12


    These shoes hurt my feet because they aren’t ____________ enough.

    • Right!

    • Not right

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  7. Question 7 of 12


    If you don’t want to make me ____________, then don’t lie to me.

    • Perfect!

    • Mistake

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  8. Question 8 of 12


    Your birthday cake is ____________. Can I have some more?

    • Right you are!

    • Not this time

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  9. Question 9 of 12


    You can’t eat these grapes. They’re old and they’ve gone ____________.

    • Way to go!

    • Afraid not

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  10. Question 10 of 12


    My mother taught me to be ____________ to strangers.

    • Good for you!

    • Sorry. No

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  11. Question 11 of 12


    After the snowfall, they went outside and everything was ____________.

    • Well done!

    • Too bad

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  12. Question 12 of 12


    He opened the box, but it was ____________ inside.

    • Sweet!

    • Sorry. No

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© 2013 Ambien Malecot


Level 2 adjectives – Unit 08

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absolute:  100 percent, complete
No teacher has absolute control over her students.
He pushed his body to the absolute limit to win the race.

awesome: excellent, outstanding
That movie was awesome; I think I’ll go see it again.
The view from the top of the mountain was awesome.

desperate:  having an urgent need
She was desperate to find a summer job before school ended.
The fireman gave a desperate attempt to save the life of the child.

firm:  solid, unchanging
He had a firm belief that people would help when asked.
The seller was firm in his asking price.

illegal:  against the law
It’s illegal to smoke in any public building in Canada.
Gambling is illegal in that country.

nutritious:  having good food value, healthy
They always start their day with a nutritious breakfast.
Junk food is not very nutritious.

patriotic:  loyal to your country
The soldier feels a patriotic sense of duty.
They played patriotic music at his funeral.

romantic:  very loving, passionate
They had a romantic dinner by candlelight.
On a summer’s evening you can see many romantic couples walking hand in hand.

sore:  hurting a little
His legs were sore after a long hike in the mountains.
Lemon tea is a good cure for a sore throat.

thrifty:  not wasting money
Both she and her sister are thrifty shoppers.
Since he lost his job, they’ve had to be more thrifty.

tidy:  neat, clean, organized
Everything in her bedroom is tidy, including her closet.
I’m afraid my work space is not very tidy.

widespread:  happening in many places, over a wide area
There is widespread poverty in that part of the world.
Tsunamis can cause widespread destruction.

Pronunciation Exercise: Listen and repeat the above vocabulary on the audio file below.

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When you think you’re ready, do the following exercise.

Quiz: Level 2 adjectives - Unit 08 - exercise

  1. Question 1 of 12


    Cocaine is a drug that’s ____________ in every country in the world.

    • Good for you!

    • Not right

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  2. Question 2 of 12


    There is ____________ interest in the results of the Russian election.

    • Yes. Correct!

    • No. Incorrect

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  3. Question 3 of 12


    Whenever I hear our national anthem, I feel ____________.

    • Perfect!

    • Not so good

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  4. Question 4 of 12


    They always spend too much; they have to learn to be more ____________.

    • Good job!

    • No way

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  5. Question 5 of 12


    He gave the interviewer a ____________ handshake and then sat down.

    • Impressive!

    • Not it

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  6. Question 6 of 12


    I want you to tell me the ____________ truth.

    • Well done!

    • Wrong answer

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  7. Question 7 of 12


    She doesn’t snack but has ____________ milkshake in the late afternoon.

    • Nice!

    • Afraid not

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  8. Question 8 of 12


    The company took the ____________ measure of laying off half its employees.

    • You got it!

    • You missed it

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  9. Question 9 of 12


    Organization is important, so keep your desk ____________ at all times.

    • Nicely done!

    • Not this time

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  10. Question 10 of 12


    Her birthday last year was ____________ day filled with fun.

    • That’s right!

    • That’s not right

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  11. Question 11 of 12


    Bringing her flowers would be ____________ thing to do.

    • Great job!

    • Sorry. No

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  12. Question 12 of 12


    He stands all day, so in the evening his feet are quite ____________.

    • Well done!

    • No. Not it

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© 2013 Ambien Malecot


Level 2 adjectives – Unit 06

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appropriate: the right thing at the right time, expected by others
When someone says “thank-you,” the appropriate response is “you’re welcome.”
It is not appropriate to shake the Queen’s hand.

beneficial:  good (for someone)
Drinking a liter of water everyday has beneficial results.
It’s beneficial for most people to get eight hours of sleep per night.

considerate:  thinking of the welfare of someone else.
It was considerate of you to give me a ride home last night.
Please be considerate and let the elderly woman sit down on the bus.

feeble:  weak, with no energy 
His grandfather is getting more and more feeble.
She made a feeble attempt to answer him in German.

idle:  not active or moving, still
His brother has been idle ever since he lost his job.
I’ve finished all my work, so now I can be idle for the rest of the day.

infinite:  never ending, limitless
There are an infinite number of stars in the universe.
The Internet give us access to an infinite amount of information.

miniature:  very small compared to a normal one
He has a large collection of miniature cars.
Miniature golf is a sport that is enjoyed by many families.

mysterious:  unknown, confusing
They were speaking a mysterious language that she couldn’t understand.
A mysterious man was standing on the corner watching the house.

neutral:  not favoring one side or the other
Switzerland was a neutral country in World War II.
He tried to remain neutral in the argument between his wife and his mother.

scarce:  not common, rare
Five star restaurants are scarce in this city.
Fresh water is scarce in that part of Africa.

suspicious:  causing people to think bad things
The man had been waiting outside the bank for an hour, which was suspicious.
You should be suspicious of any get-rich-quick schemes.

synthetic:  not made naturally
Nylon is a synthetic material used to make parachutes.
Synthetic diamonds are manufactured for the construction industry.

Pronunciation Exercise: Listen and repeat the above vocabulary on the audio file below.

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When you think you’re ready, do the following exercise.

Quiz: Level 2 adjectives - Unit 06 - exercise

  1. Question 1 of 12


    Antarctica is a ____________ piece of land, not owned by any one country.

    • Good answer!

    • Bad answer

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  2. Question 2 of 12


    They both heard a ____________ call for help coming from the cave.

    • Nice job!

    • Not good

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  3. Question 3 of 12


    There was a ____________ sound coming from the closet.

    • Nicely done!

    • Sorry. Incorrect

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  4. Question 4 of 12


    It is ____________ to your health to get some exercise every day.

    • Way to go!

    • Not this time

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  5. Question 5 of 12


    Yellow diamonds are so expensive because they’re so ____________.

    • Wonderful!

    • Erroneous

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  6. Question 6 of 12


    It’s not ____________ to take your shoes off at work.

    • Good for you!

    • Afraid not

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  7. Question 7 of 12


    His hobby was building ____________ ships inside bottles.

    • Well done!

    • Wrong answer

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  8. Question 8 of 12


    All her students loved Mrs. Mason, who was a woman of ____________ patience.

    • You got it!

    • You didn’t get it

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  9. Question 9 of 12


    My mechanic told me not to use ____________ oil in my car.

    • Great job!

    • Sorry. No

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  10. Question 10 of 12


    That old car has been sitting ____________ in his garage for years.

    • Sweet!

    • Nice try but wrong

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  11. Question 11 of 12


    It looked very ____________ that he was alone in the room when the money was stolen.

    • Perfect!

    • No good

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  12. Question 12 of 12


    Always be ____________ of your neighbors when you have a party.

    • Superb!

    • Too bad

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© 2013 Ambien Malecot


Level 2 adjectives – Unit 05

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addictive:  so pleasurable you can’t stop
Cigarettes are so addictive because of the nicotine.
Coffee can be addictive to some people.

customary:  traditional, always done in the same way
It’s customary to remove your shoes at the front door.
Shaking hands is a customary greeting.

federal:  of the nation as a whole
The federal government is located in Ottawa.
Bank accounts are insured under a federal program.

harsh:  unpleasant, uncomfortable
Winters in the north are harsh.
Early Canadian settlers had a harsh life.

ignorant:  not knowing, unaware
He was ignorant of the police car following him.
On the subject of biology, I’m totally ignorant.

maximum:  the most, highest
He’s locked up in maximum security.
The maximum amount I can lend you is $800.

minimum:  the least, lowest
The minimum tip you should leave is 10%.
There was a minimum number of people at the meeting.

pure:  with nothing extra
Her favorite drink is pure orange juice.
Our grandmother breathes pure oxygen from a tank.

sincere:  truthful, honest
I’m being sincere when I tell you I’ll miss you.
Please accept our sincere apologies.

thorough:  complete, 100%
The dogs made a thorough mess of the living room.
The police did a thorough search of the apartment.

unique:  unlike anything else, one of a kind
He has a unique way of tying his shoe laces.
There is something unique about everyone.

wholesale:  in large amounts
Wholesale sales rose in the first quarter of the year.
What is the wholesale price if I buy ten of them?

Pronunciation Exercise: Listen and repeat the above vocabulary on the audio file below.

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When you think you’re ready, do the following exercise.

Quiz: Level 2 adjectives - Unit 05 - exercise

  1. Question 1 of 12


    It is ____________ to bring a gift for the host of a dinner party.

    • Correct answer!

    • Incorrect answer

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  2. Question 2 of 12


    He only makes ____________ wage working at the restaurant.

    • Right you are!

    • Not so good

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  3. Question 3 of 12


    I think he’s being ____________ in his apology.

    • Good for you!

    • Sorry. No

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  4. Question 4 of 12


    Costco wants to open a new ____________ store in Surrey.

    • Nice job!

    • Wrong, I’m afraid

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  5. Question 5 of 12


    Officials are still ____________ of the cause of the pollution.

    • Perfect!

    • No good

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  6. Question 6 of 12


    The government announced a ____________ investment in wind power.

    • Way to go!

    • Not this time

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  7. Question 7 of 12


    The children did a ____________ job of cleaning their rooms.

    • Awesome!

    • That’s not it

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  8. Question 8 of 12


    This car has a ____________ speed of 200 kilometers per hour.

    • Nicely done!

    • No way

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  9. Question 9 of 12


    Gambling can be ____________ for some people.

    • That’s good!

    • That’s no good

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  10. Question 10 of 12


    For people in that country, ____________ water is more valuable than gold.

    • Yes. Correct!

    • Mistake

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  11. Question 11 of 12


    He experienced ____________ treatment while in prison.

    • Great job!

    • Nice try but wrong

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  12. Question 12 of 12


    Language is not ____________ to humans.

    • You got it!

    • You missed it

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© 2013 Ambien Malecot

Level 2 adjectives – Unit 04

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affectionate:  showing love
That little kitten is so affectionate.
The affectionate couple walked hand in hand.

constant:  all the time
The noise from the construction project next door is constant during the day.
I have a constant pain in my lower back.

deliberate:  with a plan, not accidental
His meeting her was deliberate.  He had planned it for days.
She made a deliberate mistake so that he would help her.

economical:  inexpensive, cheap
Driving to work everyday and paying for parking is not economical.
He thought it would be more economical to stay with his parents while at university.

expensive:  costing a lot of money
It’s becoming more and more expensive to buy a house in this city.
That engagement ring he gave you must have been expensive.

frigid:  very cold
The Yukon is a frigid place in winter.
The ocean off the coast of Argentina can get very frigid.

grateful:  thankful, showing gratitude
She was grateful for his help after the fire that destroyed her home.
His son was grateful that he could have his own room in the new house.

identical:  exactly the same
Julia and Gillian are identical twins with identical likes and dislikes.
The knife used in the murder was identical to those in the kitchen drawer.

mature:  like an adult, not childish
Stealing her smart phone was not a mature thing to do.
Jonathan, although he’s only eight, is very mature for his age.

negative:  bad, not good
I hope you have no negative feelings towards me.
The students’ attitude toward their substitute teacher was negative.

present:  happening now
I can’t tell you her present address because she recently moved.
Don’t daydream in class.  You need to be present to learn anything.

sensitive:  emotional, showing emotions easily
Their son’s suicide is a sensitive topic in that family.
I think that sometimes your sister is too sensitive.

Pronunciation Exercise: Listen and repeat the above vocabulary on the audio file below.

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When you think you’re ready, do the following exercise.

Quiz: Level 2 adjectives - Unit 04 - exercise

  1. Question 1 of 12


    Their car was ____________ to the one used in the robbery.

    • That’s right!

    • Not right

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  2. Question 2 of 12


    It’s more ____________ to share an apartment with a roommate.

    • Good for you!

    • Not so good

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  3. Question 3 of 12


    She’s very ____________ about her breakup, so don’t say anything.

    • Well done!

    • No way

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  4. Question 4 of 12


    Our flat-screen TV was less ____________ than I thought it would be.

    • Perfect!

    • Not it

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  5. Question 5 of 12


    The hole in the wall was a ____________ reminder of his anger.

    • Yes. Correct!

    • No. Incorrect

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  6. Question 6 of 12


    For a man of thirty, he doesn’t seem very ____________.

    • Right you are!

    • Afraid not

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  7. Question 7 of 12


    At this ____________ moment I don’t like you very much.

    • Great job!

    • Sorry. Wrong

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  8. Question 8 of 12


    Nobody wants to go swimming in the ____________ Arctic Ocean.

    • Nice!

    • Not this time

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  9. Question 9 of 12


    I don’t think it was an accident; I think it was ____________.

    • You got it!

    • Wrong answer

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  10. Question 10 of 12


    She divorced him because he wasn’t ____________ enough.

    • Awesome!

    • That’s not it

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  11. Question 11 of 12


    I’m ____________ that I have a wonderful relationship with my wife.

    • Wonderful!

    • Nope

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  12. Question 12 of 12


    You should stop complaining and being so ____________.

    • Nicely done!

    • I don’t think so

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© 2013 Ambien Malecot


Level 2 adjectives – Unit 03

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aware:  knowing about
Are you aware that your car is unlocked?
He wasn’t aware of the person following him.

crucial:  extremely important
It is crucial that you arrive at the meeting on time.
Peace talks are crucial to the future of that region.

dense:  crowded, tightly together
The West End of Vancouver has a dense population.
The forest was so dense that it was difficult to pass through.

fundamental:  basic, most important
The simple present tense is a fundamental part of the English language.
Oil is a fundamental component of plastic.

hazy:  smoggy, polluted, not clear
It was a hazy summer day in August when he arrived in the city.
My memory of that day is hazy.

initial: first, beginning
His initial choice was to believe her because she had never lied before.
Her initial reaction was to laugh although it was a serious situation.

legible:  able to be read
The doctor’s signature was not very legible.
The teacher’s writing is not legible from the back of the room.

partial:  only part of (something bigger)
He didn’t have this month’s rent, so he made a partial payment.
The police found a partial fingerprint on the window.

repetitive:  repeated, happening again and again
He didn’t like his job because it was boring and repetitive.
There was a repetitive noise coming from the neighbor’s house.

rusty:  not very good, needing a lot of practice
She sat down at the piano, but because she was rusty, she didn’t play very well.
I haven’t spoken Spanish in years, so I’m a little rusty.

sensible:  having good judgement,
He was not being sensible when he went outside in the rain without a coat.
The sensible thing to do is to start over and do it right this time.

talented:  able to do something well and easily
They are both talented musicians.
Everyone thinks she’s a talented writer.

Pronunciation Exercise: Listen and repeat the above vocabulary on the audio file below.

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When you think you’re ready, do the following exercise.

Quiz: Level 2 adjectives - Unit 03 - exercise

  1. Question 1 of 12


    The ____________ thing to do after a car accident is go to the hospital.

    • Perfect!

    • Not right

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  2. Question 2 of 12


    The room was ____________ with cigarette smoke.

    • Right!

    • No good

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  3. Question 3 of 12


    In the morning a ____________ fog covered the city.

    • Correct!

    • Wrong answer

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  4. Question 4 of 12


    I want you to know there’s a lot of ____________ work in this job.

    • Way to go!

    • Not it

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  5. Question 5 of 12


    The students were not ____________ that the teacher was watching them through the window.

    • That’s it!

    • Afraid not

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  6. Question 6 of 12


    After the ____________ scream, no noise was heard coming from the room.

    • Wonderful!

    • Not so good

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  7. Question 7 of 12


    She comes from a family of ____________ artists.

    • Well done!

    • No way

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  8. Question 8 of 12


    The magician hadn’t done that trick in a long time and was a little ____________.

    • You got it!

    • You missed it

    << BACKNEXT >>Check My Answer!
  9. Question 9 of 12


    The boy’s letter was full of words that were not ____________.

    • Nice job!

    • Sorry. No

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  10. Question 10 of 12


    My sauce is a ____________ part of my lasagna.

    • Good for you!

    • Not this time

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  11. Question 11 of 12


    Because the supplies were ____________, they were delivered by plane the following day.

    • Yes. Right!

    • No. Wrong

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  12. Question 12 of 12


    It will be mostly sunny tomorrow with ____________ cloudiness.

    • Nicely done!

    • Incorrect

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© 2013 Ambien Malecot


Level 2 adjectives – Unit 02

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approximate:  near but not exact
The approximate time is 3:00.
I don’t know exactly, but the approximate distance is 800 kilometers.

bulky:  very large and hard to carry
That piano is too bulky to move by yourself.
A bulky package arrived just before her birthday.

capable:  able to do something
I don’t believe he’s capable of murder.
She’s a capable mother of three.

eventual:  happening slowly
The eventual result of his smoking habit was lung cancer.
His carelessness with money caused his eventual bankruptcy.

fortunate:  lucky
It was fortunate that you were there to help her.
We all felt fortunate to meet the President.

humid:   with water vapor in the air
It’s not a good idea to exercise in hot, humid weather.
It feels very humid after a storm.

intelligent:  smart, quick to understand
Your dog is pretty intelligent.
She is highly intelligent, but not a genius.

jealous:  wanting what someone else has
He was jealous of his brother’s wealth.
She was jealous of his relationship with his sister.

loyal:  always ready to support (someone), faithful
He is a loyal friend whom I’ve known for years.
Dogs have been man’s loyal companions for thousands of years.

nude:  without any clothes on, naked
She stood in the doorway completely nude.
At some beaches in the world, you can go nude.

particular:  one and only, not general
They have a particular interest in old movies.
There’s a particular way she likes to brush her hair.

raw:  uncooked
The children love to eat raw carrots.
He tries to eat as much raw food as possible.

Pronunciation Exercise: Listen and repeat the above vocabulary on the audio file below.

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When you think you’re ready, do the following exercise.

Quiz: Level 2 adjectives - Unit 02 - exercise

  1. Question 1 of 12


    Today feels dry. It’s not at all ____________.

    • That’s right!

    • Not right

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  2. Question 2 of 12


    That sweater is too ____________. It makes you look fat.

    • Yes. Correct!

    • No. Incorrect

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  3. Question 3 of 12


    I’ve been ________________ to this company for over fifteen years.

    • Correct!

    • Incorrect

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  4. Question 4 of 12


    That was a very ____________ answer to my question.

    • Nicely done!

    • Sorry. Wrong

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  5. Question 5 of 12


    My brother is a vegetarian and only eats ____________ food.

    • You got it!

    • No good

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  6. Question 6 of 12


    His bad teeth led to his ____________ death.

    • Good job!

    • Too bad

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  7. Question 7 of 12


    Picasso painted several pictures of ____________ women.

    • Right you are!

    • Mistake

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  8. Question 8 of 12


    It was ____________ that I won tickets to Disneyland.

    • Wonderful!

    • Afraid not

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  9. Question 9 of 12


    I don’t know how old she is, but I can give you ____________ age.

    • Well done!

    • No way

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  10. Question 10 of 12


    I told the police there was nothing ____________ that I remember about the man.

    • Great job!

    • You missed it

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  11. Question 11 of 12


    The animal is not ____________ of getting out of its cage.

    • Good for you!

    • Wrong answer

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  12. Question 12 of 12


    If you sit with her, will your wife get ____________?

    • Terrific!

    • That’s not it

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