Level 1 idioms – Unit 03

Alice: You look awfully tired today. What happened? Did you stay out late last night?
Judy: No, but I stayed up till one-thirty finishing my English homework because I misplaced my textbook and looked for it for almost an hour before I found it. You look a little tired yourself.
Alice: I am. I didn’t turn in till nearly two o’clock. I was out until ten. Then when I got home, an old friend dropped in on me, and we talked for a long time. She was pretty upset, but I think I helped her calm down. You see, she was engaged, but called it off when she found out her boyfriend was already married.
Judy: What a jerk! Is she alright?
Alice: Yes. The guy showed up the next day with a bouquet of flowers, but she told him it was over and he left.
Judy: What a story! I guess sooner or later you hear everything.
Pronunciation Exercise: Listen and repeat the vocabulary on the audio file below.
• awfully: very
• misplaced: put in the wrong place and lost
• engaged: promised in marriage
• jerk: a bad man
• bouquet: a lot together
• over: finished, ended
Pronunciation Exercise: Listen and repeat the idioms on the audio file below.
stay out not come home
stay up not go to bed
look for try to find
turn in go to bed / give to the teacher or boss
be out be gone from home or work / not have any more
drop in on (someone) visit by surprise
calm down relax
call off cancel (an event)
show up arrive
sooner or later at some time in the future
Turn in has 2 meanings. The other one is “give to the teacher or boss.”
Example: Did you remember to turn in your keys before you left your last job?
Be out has 2 meanings. The other one is “not have any more.”
Example: Oh no! We are out of ice, and the party just started.
Drop in on (someone) and drop by are similar, but drop in on is followed by a person.
Example: Let’s go drop in on my brother tonight.
Drop by is either followed by a place or by no object.
Example: My door is always open. Why don’t you drop by (my office) sometime.
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