Level 2 idioms – Unit 02

Maria: Did you hear that my brother has decided to drop out of school?
Sam: You’re pulling my leg. Has he really?
Maria: Yes. I told him he was better off staying, but he doesn’t listen to me.
Sam: Maybe he’s feeling burned out. After all, he has a heavy load this term.
Maria: He told me he was looking into joining the army.
Sam: That doesn’t make sense. Doesn’t he realize that once he joins the army, he can’t
back out? I know he can’t do without his freedom.
Maria: I agree. I don’t think much of his idea either. Maybe we should have a talk with him.
Sam: That’s a good idea. I think he just wants to be on his own, but he’s going about it the wrong way.
Maria: Let’s see if we can talk him into finishing grade 12.
Click on the audio recording below to hear the lesson.
• heavy load: a large amount of work to do
• realize: understand, know
• drop out (of) stop attending (classes/meetings)
• pull one’s leg joke with someone
• better off better than before
• burn out become completely exhausted
• look into investigate to find information
• make sense (of) be logical / understand logically
• back out (of) withdraw from, not do
• do without (something) be able to live without (something)
• not think much of (something) think (something) is not very good
• on one’s own by oneself, alone
• go about plan a way to do (something)
• talk (someone) into persuade, convince (someone to do something)
Drop out is used with ‘of’ if there is an object after it. If not, then there is no ‘of.’
Example: I haven’t seen Bill at the chess club for weeks. He must have dropped out.
Look into and find out have the same meaning.
Make sense is used 2 ways. It means to be logical, as used in the dialogue.
It also means to understand logically and must be used with ‘of’.
Example: I can’t make sense of this recipe. Could you help?
Talk (someone) into has an opposite: Talk (someone) out of, which means “convince (someone) not to (do something).
Example: I wanted to go swimming, but she talked me out of it because she wanted to go shopping