Level 2 idioms – Unit 05

Jodie: I saw my mother off at the airport yesterday, and now I’m stuck with taking care of her dog until next Thursday.
Sarah: I can’t believe my ears. You hate dogs. I was hoping that you would come keep me company today while I go shopping at the mall.
Jodie: I’d love to take some time off and go with you, but I don’t have anyone who could fill in for me. What am I supposed to do with the dog?
Sarah: How about leaving it with a neighbor? On second thought, bring it along. We can drop it off at the doggie daycare.
Jodie: Well then, you can count me in. I deserve a break today.
Sarah: Great. You know how I get carried away when I shop alone.
Jodie: Who knows? We might come across some bargains.
Sarah: Thanks for coming with me. We’ll start off with lunch, and I’ll pick up the tab.
Jodie: Thanks. I appreciate the invitation. It’s nice having a friend who has deep pockets.
• doggie daycare: a business that takes care of dogs for the day
• deserve: have paid for with my time and effort
• bargains: inexpensive items
• appreciate: be thankful for
• see (someone) off accompany (someone) and say good-bye (at the airport, train station, etc.)
• be stuck with have (something/someone) one cannot get rid of
• not believe one’s ears/eyes unable to believe what one hears/sees
• keep (someone) company be with someone so they are not alone
• take time off (from) take a break
• fill in (for) do another person’s job
• on second thought after reconsidering
• count (someone) in include (someone) in an activity
• get carried away become so involved that everything else seems unimportant
• come across find (something) unexpectedly
• pick up the tab pay the bill
• have deep pockets have a lot of money
Not believe one’s ears/eyes can also be hardly believe one’s ears/eyes.
Take time off can also be take some time off / take a little time off.
On second thought is similar to have second thoughts, which means to reconsider.
Count (someone) in has an opposite: Count (someone) out, which means exclude (someone) from an activity.
Example: If you’re going dancing tonight, you can count me out because I don’t dance.
Come across and run across have the same meaning.
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