Level 4 idioms – Unit 07

Brian: I’ve had it with my car. I think it’s on its last legs. Yesterday I was pulled over by the police because there was smoke coming out the exhaust. I need to buy a new car and fast.
Jake: I think I can help. I’ve got a friend who owns a twenty-year-old Honda that’s in near mint condition. He’s a mechanic and has been taking really good care of it for years. It’s recently come to light that he wants to sell it.
Brian: That’s good, but I’m of two minds. I know Hondas are really good cars, but it’s old. How do I know it won’t break down?
Jake: I give you my word. I know this guy, and I know he wouldn’t sell a bad car. Because of his reputation, you can rest assured that this car will sell fast. You have a small window of opportunity here, and if I were you, I would make an offer quickly.
Brian: I don’t know. I’d have to sleep on it. What’s he selling it for anyway?
Jake: I’m not sure, but I think it’s $3000 or so. I’m sure he’ll give you a fair shake.
exhaust: the tailpipe of a car
mechanic: a person who works on cars and other vehicles
break down: stop working
reputation: what other people think of him
offer: what someone is willing to pay
• one has had it: one can’t tolerate something any longer
• on its last legs: almost ready to die
• pull over: stop at the side of the road
• in mint condition: like new, in perfect condition
• come to light: start to be known
• be of two minds: think that both choices are good
• give (someone) one’s word: promise
• rest assured: know that (something) is true
• a window of opportunity: a limited time for action
• sleep on it: make a decision tomorrow
• or so: or about that, approximately
• a fair shake: a deal that’s fair for both people
One has had it and that does it have the same meaning
The opposite of give someone one’s word is break one’s word.
Example: I believed he would do it, but he broke his word.
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