Level 3 idioms – Unit 10

Nick: You look like you’re walking on air. What’s up?
Sergey: Remember Sarah? We met her at the New Year’s Eve party last year?
Nick: No. Her name doesn’t ring a bell. What does she look like?
Sergey: Tall, long dark hair, beautiful blue eyes.
Nick: I’m still drawing a blank, but what about her?
Sergey: Well, this morning we met by chance in the coffee shop and we both hit it off right away. Now, I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but she could be the one for me. There’s only one small problem. I can’t lay my hands on her phone number. She wrote it on a napkin, and now I can’t find it! I’m on pins and needles.
Nick: I can imagine. You know if you don’t call her up within a few days, you’re going to be in hot water. She’s going to think you don’t like her.
Sergey: I know. I know. What am I going to do?
Nick: Get a grip! It won’t help to get upset. If I were you, I’d go back to the coffee shop tomorrow and try to find her.
Sergey: Hang on. It just dawned on me that I changed by jeans when I got home. I’ll bet her number is in one of the pockets. I’ll go look.
Nick: For your sake, I hope it is. But if it’s not, it serves you right for being so careless.
Sergey: Here’s her phone number! It was in my jeans pocket all along.
by chance: accidentally
the one: the perfect person
hang on: wait
sake: benefit, well-being
• walk on air feel very happy
• ring a bell be something one remembers
• draw a blank not be able to remember
• hit it off become friendly immediately
• jump to conclusions form an opinion without all the evidence
• lay one’s hands on (something) be able to find (something)
• on pins and needles anxious, nervous
• in hot water in trouble
• get a grip make oneself calm
• dawn on (someone) (someone) realizes
• it serves (someone) right (someone) gets the punishment he/she deserves
• all along for the whole time
ring a bell and draw a blank are opposites.
on pins and needles and on edge have the same meaning.
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