Level 2 verbs – Unit 01

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accept:  to say yes to an offer
We accepted their invitation to dinner.
They told the letter carrier they don’t accept junk mail.

appreciate:  to be thankful for something you are given
Thanks again.  I really appreciate all your help.
She appreciates it when her family visits her in the hospital

borrow:  to take and use something for a short time that’s not yours
Could I please borrow your cell phone.
Her sister often borrows her clothes without asking.

cure:  to make (someone) healthy again
He cured his cold with vitamin C and plenty of water.
The doctor cured his patient of a nasty rash.

entertain:  to do something that people enjoy
The mime entertained the crowd for hours.
She entertained her children by playing a game with them.

gain:  to get more
She knew that she had gained weight over the holidays.
What do you have to gain by that action?

head:  to go 
If the alarm sounds, head for the nearest exit.
The soldier headed in the direction of the gunfire.

irritate:  to bother someone a lot
I can’t use that cream because it irritates my skin.
Their loud Saturday night parties irritate us.

memorize:  to learn (something) by repetition
He quickly memorized her phone number.
We have to memorize our lines for the play.

permit:  to allow, to give permission
Many parents permit their children to stay up later on Friday nights
The police would not permit them to walk in the street.

promise:  to do what you say you’re going to do
She promised to never leave him.
Do you promise not to laugh when I tell you my story?

recognize:  to know (something) from an earlier time
I recognize that music.  It’s Beethoven, isn’t it?
The old man didn’t recognize his own daughter.

switch:  to replace one thing with another, to exchange
Let’s switch seats.  I can’t see the screen very well.
I don’t like this toothpaste.  I’m going to switch to another brand.

suffer:  to feel pain for a long time
She suffers from migraine headaches.
Many teenagers suffer from not enough sleep.

warn:  to tell (someone) about a future danger
A sign warned motorists that there was black ice on the road.
He warned her not to go out after dark.

Pronunciation Exercise: Listen and repeat the above vocabulary on the audio file below.


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