Level 2 adjectives – Unit 05
addictive: so pleasurable you can’t stop
Cigarettes are so addictive because of the nicotine.
Coffee can be addictive to some people.
customary: traditional, always done in the same way
It’s customary to remove your shoes at the front door.
Shaking hands is a customary greeting.
federal: of the nation as a whole
The federal government is located in Ottawa.
Bank accounts are insured under a federal program.
harsh: unpleasant, uncomfortable
Winters in the north are harsh.
Early Canadian settlers had a harsh life.
ignorant: not knowing, unaware
He was ignorant of the police car following him.
On the subject of biology, I’m totally ignorant.
maximum: the most, highest
He’s locked up in maximum security.
The maximum amount I can lend you is $800.
minimum: the least, lowest
The minimum tip you should leave is 10%.
There was a minimum number of people at the meeting.
pure: with nothing extra
Her favorite drink is pure orange juice.
Our grandmother breathes pure oxygen from a tank.
sincere: truthful, honest
I’m being sincere when I tell you I’ll miss you.
Please accept our sincere apologies.
thorough: complete, 100%
The dogs made a thorough mess of the living room.
The police did a thorough search of the apartment.
unique: unlike anything else, one of a kind
He has a unique way of tying his shoe laces.
There is something unique about everyone.
wholesale: in large amounts
Wholesale sales rose in the first quarter of the year.
What is the wholesale price if I buy ten of them?
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