Great Expectations

by Ali Slaight
a Canadian singer-songwriter who wrote this song in 2007 . It’s from her debut album “The Story of Your Life.”
Can you grab flowers in the plain old dark?
Can you get back up when you’re feeling hurt
When life doesn’t meet your great expectations?
Can you turn lemons into lemonade?
Can you face the dark when you feel afraid
When life doesn’t meet your great expectations?
You’re looking, you’re searching
You don’t know if you’ll find the answer
Hoping something’s gonna change
Oh, I hear you, days go by
Does life feel like a revolving door?
You’ve changed your mind
You may not feel like you did before
Just takes some time to realize
That walking out the door
Could take you somewhere
You’ve never been before
You’ve never been before, no no
Can you break down but still be strong?
When you disagree can you get along?
When life doesn’t meet your great expectations
When you look at yourself, tell me who do you see?
Do you see yourself or who you want to be?
Do you live up to your great expectations?
You’re looking, you’re searching
You don’t know if you’ll find the answers
You’re hoping something’s gonna change
Oh, I hear you, days go by
Does life feel like a revolving door?
You changed your mind
You may not feel like you did before
Just takes some time to realize
That walking out the door
Could take you somewhere
You’ve never been before
grab: put your hands around
plain old dark: darkness and nothing else
doesn’t meet: isn’t the same as
great expectations: big plans for the future
lemons: bad things that happen
lemonade: something good
face the dark: be brave
gonna: going to (slang)
go by: pass
revolving door: the same things keep happening
changed your mind: made a different decision
realize: learn
break down: lose control of yourself
get along: be friendly
live up to: to achieve your goal
© 2015 Ambien Malecot for vocabulary lesson only