Level 4 idioms – Unit 02

Sahar: Natalia, do you have a minute?
Natalia: Sure. What’s on your mind?
Sahar: I found out that Hossein hasn’t been on the level with me.
Natalia: What do you mean? Are you getting cold feet about marrying him?
Sahar: No it’s not that. I love him, but the other day I found some photos of him with a strange woman, and I’ve been a basket case ever since.
Natalia: Well you knew he had been around the block before you two got together. It was probably a photo of an old girlfriend.
Sahar: I don’t think so. We had a heart to heart last week, and I was completely above board with him about all my old boylfriends. The only old girlfriend he told me about was a blond, but the woman in the photo was a brunette.
Natalia: Although there’s a fine line between not telling the whole truth and lying, maybe he didn’t want to come clean all at once. I’d give him some time if I were you.
Sahar: Okay. I hope you’re right. It would be a crying shame if the wedding were called off.
got together: became a couple
a blond: a woman with blond hair
brunette: a woman with brown hair
all at once: immediately
called off: cancelled
• have a minute have time to have a short talk.
• on one’s mind being thought about
• on the level telling the truth
• cold feet doubt about something you planned
• the other day a day not too long ago
• a basket case a person who is overly nervous or upset
• been around the block have had many experiences
• have a heart to heart have an emotional conversation
• above board totally honest, legally done
• a fine line not much of a difference
• come clean be totally truthful
• a crying shame too bad, a sad event
Have a minute can also be have a second.
The opposite of above board is under the table when talking about something being illegal.
a basket case and in bad shape have the same meaning.
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