Level 4 idioms – Unit 03

Omar: Yesterday I took the stairs up to my office because the elevator wasn’t working. By the time I reached the fifth floor, I was out of breath. It was a real wake-up call for me. I know I need to start doing something about it.
Sydney: I’m glad to hear that. Exercise goes hand in hand with good health, so you should start an exercise program. I have, and I feel great.
Omar: It’s been a long time since I set foot in a gym. I spend most of my time sitting, and we all know that’s a recipe for disaster.
Sydney: I’m glad you’ve come to your senses. You know, if you get in shape, it’s like getting a new lease on life. All aspects of your life will get better.
Omar: I’m glad to hear that because my business is starting to weigh me down. Okay, what would you suggest that I do? I don’t have a lot of free time because I work around the clock.
Sydney: I’m usually pressed for time too, so I go to the gym three times a week in the mornings for half an hour before work.
Omar: That sounds doable. I’ve been taking my health for granted for too long.
Sydney: I’m glad you’ve finally come to your senses.
aspects: areas, parts
doable: something you can do
• out of breath breathing too fast
• a wake-up call a scary experience that says something is wrong
• go hand in hand go together
• set foot in enter
• a recipe for disaster something that will cause a very bad result
• come to one’s senses understand what the right thing to do is
• in shape with a body that is strong and healthy
• a new lease on life a feeling of starting over as a new person
• weigh (someone) down make (someone) feel like there’s too much work
• work around the clock work all day and night
• pressed for time don’t have enough time
• take (something/one) for granted think that (something/one) will always be there
a wake-up call is the same as an eyeopener
in shape and in good shape are the same. The opposite is out of shape or in bad shape. Example: Because he doesn’t get much exercise, he’s out of shape.